
Collection Details


The Kaartdijin Noongar-Sharing Noongar Culture website covers all aspects of Noongar history, lore, language and culture.

Geographical borders

Noongar country extends from Leeman in the north-west to beyond Cape Arid in the south-east. The website also displays material relating to Noongar people from outside this geographical area.

Historical period

The website spans the period from European contact in 1829 to the present day.

Types of collections

These include photos, oral histories, documents, maps, art, videos and language and research materials. South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council generally makes digital copies for the website and returns the originals to the owner. Original items may be accepted if the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council has the resources to care for them according to archival and museum standards. If you would like to share stories or photographs with the Kaartdijin website contact us.

Display of items on website

If requested by the family, SWALSC will remove any photos and reference to a person’s name from the website for twelve months after they have passed away.

Collection copyright

Various copyright conditions apply to content in the SWALSC collection, depending on the type of material and its age. Requests for permission to reproduce images and records from the collection should be sent to:  CEO, South West Aboriginal Land & Sea Council, Level 2, 100 Royal Street East Perth WA 6004 or email: reception@noongar.org.au

Advice about copyright of material in the SWALSC collection can be found at copyright/disclaimer. For further information on copyright, refer to the Copyright Council.

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