Pop Gus Ryder talks about his parents working around the Northam area

Pop Gus Ryder
Audio Recording
Gus Ryder talks about his parents working around the Northam area
Audio Transcript
She worked in the Country Woman Association. She looked after the farmers’ daughters that came in there for the week’s schooling and that and there was – it was a hostel and a lot of them went to Northam High School see. My Mum she was doing the polishing and making their beds and all that sort of thing yeah. And Dad was on the other hand … he went down whenever he finished [work for Bert Hawke] there he used to go down to a veterinary place on the corner of Taylor’s Bridge and there was a tyre joint on that corner there, I can’t remember the name of that. Goodyear Tyre I think it was and he had a veterinary works there for ponies and all that and my Dad had experience with ponies see, so he helped Mr McIntosh because Mr McIntosh was in a wheelchair. He couldn’t handle those things. Dad had to push him out I think every now and again to check out the ponies and all that sort of thing…. between the two of him he ended with about six pounds a week I think and Mum was on the same level – six pounds a week whereas in my case when I started to work I was earning twenty pounds a week.
From: Pop Gus Ryder, interview for South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council, 12 August 2008.
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Note: In some cases the written transcript has been edited with permission from the person interviewed and may differ slightly from the audio recording.
Permission to use this audio recording kindly granted by Pop Gus Ryder